Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lifelong Learners

One of the best things about being in a PLN and being able to participate in PLP is connecting with other educators who are passionate about being continuous learners. Of course, in all of our schools we have colleagues that do not share these feelings. How do we handle this issue with people who look at learning the same way they look at cooking a Perdue Oven Stuffer Roaster? They feel that the little gadget popped up so they must be done.


In regards to students, I always thought we were trying to develop LIFELONG LEARNERS, or at least that's what our Mission Statements usually say. Surely, we cannot develop inquisitive, proactive, curious, collaborative, creative...students if we accept stagnancy.  


OK so we agree on all of that rah, rah stuff. Now what? What do we do to set the expectations, to raise the bar from the spot on the floor that it has been sitting?  Where would you start in your classroom or school being the model for the change that is necessary?


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